Somerset Design Studio

Our work

Blonde Beet.


Kirsten was an amazing help and source of inspiration right from the start – she immediately ‘got’ what The Blonde Beet was about, and helped me refine what I thought it was about too! She took me through the design process step by step, listening to what I wanted and then offering really well thought through feedback as well as some beautifully crafted designs. She was really patient with me and my toing and froing and went above and beyond what was required really – I mean, she even finished sending my designs the day she went into labour!!

She talked me through taglines, the look and feel of my brand and its whole visual identity in general. She raised things I would never have thought of just playing around on my own. I love my logo, and having confidence in what it says about me always makes me excited to shout about what I do.

Jo Kemp – Owner – Blonde Beet

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